Welcome to the new website!
We have attempted to preserve the same layout as the old site but offer new features and stabilize existing ones.
New Features:
- Create Bert Strips from template images that other users have already submitted.
- Create a Bert Strip page. Allows users to view the Bert Strip on the official domain.
Share this page to social media.
- Export working image to a form that can be downloaded to your device.
- Option to watermark images.
- Explore recent Bert Strips.
Improved Features:
- Image loading via URL from Wikia was broken on the old site. That is now fixed and far more stable.
- Caption adding is slightly more robust.
- Better feedback on when stuff is loading.
- Exporting images now uses original image sizes, rather than being based on browser screen size.
The old site would produce large images if you had a large screen, and small images if you were on a small screen.
If something is wrong, open the browser console and type debugging = true
to view debugging output.